WIC Bates OR

HomeWICOregon > Bates

Trying to find Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) in Bates OR? There are numerous Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) programs in Bates, Oregon.

Typical Central Office and County Health Department Hours: (Please always call and confirm hours)
M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Grant County WIC Clinic
528 E. Main, Suite E
John Day, OR
Phone: (541) 575-0429
15.05 miles away

Union County WIC Clinic
2301 Cove Ave
La Grande, OR
Phone: (541) 962-8829
61.89 miles away

Baker County WIC Clinic
3330 Pocahontas Road
Baker City, OR
Phone: (541) 523-8212
63.62 miles away

Harney County WIC Clinic
420 N. Fairview
Burns, OR
Phone: (541) 573-2271
64.67 miles away