Looking for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) in Condon OR? There are many WIC programs in Condon, Oregon.
Typical Central Office and County Health Department Hours: (Please always call and confirm hours)
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Gilliam County WIC Clinic
110 NE 4th
Hermiston, OR
Phone: 800-559-5878
55.12 miles away
Morrow County WIC Clinic
110 NE 4th
Hermiston, OR
Phone: 800-559-5878
55.12 miles away
Umatilla County Hermiston WIC Clinic
110 NE 4th
Hermiston, OR
Phone: 800-559-5878
55.12 miles away
Sherman County WIC Clinic
419 E. 7th, Room 100
The Dalles, OR
Phone: (541) 506-2610
55.36 miles away
Wasco County WIC Clinic
419 E. 7th, Room 100
The Dalles, OR
Phone: (541) 506-2610
55.36 miles away
Jefferson County WIC Clinic
715 SW Fourth Street, Suite C
Madras, OR
Phone: (541) 475-4456
61.46 miles away
Grandview Medical-Dental Clinic
1000 Wallace Way
Grandview, WA
Phone: (509) 882-4707
70.40 miles away
Grant County WIC Clinic
528 E. Main, Suite E
John Day, OR
Phone: (541) 575-0429
71.63 miles away
Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic
518 W 1st Ave
Toppenish, WA
Phone: (509) 865-5600
73.57 miles away
Umatilla County WIC Clinic
73265 Confederated Wy
Pendleton, OR
Phone: (541) 278-7563
73.66 miles away